Saturday, September 22, 2018

Our site has been revamped!!!!

We have good news!!!! 

Our website, AquaCentral Library, has been updated with a new and more intuitive user interface so that you can navigate the website more easily!!! Some pages and pictures may be a little funny and of due to the conversion process from old site to the new one but we'll get it all correct this week. Check it out now and don't forget to tell all your fish loving friends about us!!

Thursday, September 20, 2018

ADA Aqua Soil

ADA Aqua Soil

- Literally the best soil for aquatic plants
- Huge root growth and plant growth 
- Comes in many colors and sizes so gives you the freedom to create different layouts

- Cost
- Can't really think of any

This is literally the BEST soil for aquatic plants. I can't stress how good this is. If you really want lush aquatic plants this soil will give you a good boost for new plants and keep on giving nutrients for your plants. I have had huge success with this soil for example I had a Cryptocoryne wendtii grow with 8 inch roots and they were very think!!! Besides healthy roots you can see it at work by having large healthy leaves and rapid growth. 

For the complete information on our review of ADA Aqua Soil check the reviews page.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Green Killing Machine UV Sterilizer Review

Green Killing Machine UV Sterilizer

This review is taking into account the personal experiences we have with this product. We are not being compensated for any positive or negative outlooks. 


-It works like a wonder, clears aquarium water within a day or two
-Has a small filter medium to separate large particles 
-Power head included


-May look awkward in the tank 
-As with all UV filters you will have to replace the bulb after a certain period

If you have green water plaguing your tank or a bacterial bloom this is the thing you need. Talking from first hand experience this is a charm. I had a bloom in one of my tanks. Using traditional water changes and nutrient control I couldn't clear the bacteria so I decided to get this, try it out. Boy was it awesome!! Within a day the results were clear water. Within 2 days the water was pristine, crystal clear. I highly recommend this if someone has troublesome green water algae. The filter works by sucking in the dirty water and passing it through a UV bulb.

For the complete information on our review of the Green Killing Machine check the reviews page.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Long inactivity...

It's been a while....

Well I've had to make some changes to my fish keeping, down-scaling what I have but I still carry on the hobby. I'm glad to say that I'm back and have a few things available. They are:

Subwassertang (Lomariopsis sp)                                  Malaysian trumpet snail

                                                        Lime Green Endler Guppies

For more info on them and pricing check our invertebrateplants, and live fish page. Remember to tell your fish loving friends about us!!

Our FB page: AquaCentral
Our Website: AquaCentral Library