Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Malaysian trumpet snail

Malaysian Trumpet snail:

The Malaysian trumpet snail is a small snail with a spiral cone shell. They're called trumpet snails due to the "trumpet" that comes out with the foot when moving and eating. Normally when one thinks of snails they see them as a pest that eat the leaves or roots of aquatic plants. While this is true for some snails one cannot generalize it to all.
The Malaysian trumpet snail is actually a beneficial addition to ecosystem. Highly sought after for aquariums and aquascaping, the trumpet snail is beneficial for helping keep the substrate clean. These snails eat detritus in the substrate as well as any uneaten food helping to recycle the nutrients as well as keep the area clean.

A mayor benefit is that these snails are mostly ground dwellers. While most get on the leaves or the aquarium glass trumpet snails spend almost all of their time on the ground, shifting underneath the substrate looking for more food. This shifting is actually beneficial for live plants. This is so because when the snail shifts the gravel foraging it helps to oxygenate the substrate which helps the plants roots grow while not disturbing or uprooting them. Overall a great plant especially to any planted aquaria.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

"Antah Barantah" By: Wendy Kurniawan

Not every planted aquarium must be huge, this one at just 22L (6gal) won first place in the category of aquariums less than 28L. The work is spectacular, giving the sense of viewing a piece of landscape in Asia. The rockwork is superb, using the rocks in key placements to create the perception of depth. Even though the tank is planted with mosses the plants do well in creating the effect of tree tops as if viewed from a distance.

Aquascape Details

Tank Size 35 x 25 x 25 cm (14 x 9.8 x 9.8 in)
Volume 22L (6 gallons)
Background HVS paper
Lighting High Power LED 7x1W
Filtration Under Gravel Filter via Mini Powerhead; and Mini Waterfall Filter (HOB) with surface skimmer
Information Pressurized CO2 1bps
Title Antah Barantah
Plants Riccardia chamedryfolia; Fissiden fontanus; Taxiphyllum alternans; Vesicularia ferriei
Fish/Animals Gambius affinis; Clithon corona
Decorative Materials Silica Sand; Silty Sandstone

Friday, October 23, 2015

New plants arrived

New shipment of plants arrived today!!

The new shipment just arrived today. It consists of:
3 Pots of Dwarf Hairgrass
8 stems of Ludwigia repens rubin
1 pot of Micranthemum Monte Carlo
1 Anubias minima
3 clumps of Staurogyne repens

The Rubin, Monte Carlo and Staurogyne are going to be added to the Fluval Spec V tank and the propagation tank. The hairgrass and Anubias will go to sale immediately. More plants are coming to sellable size such as Java Fern and Moneywort stemplant.

Closup of the Anubias minima, Monte Carl and Dwarf Hairgrass (from right to left)

Dwarf Hairgrass

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Lime Green Endler Guppies video

Lime Green Endler Guppies group

These are in the Fluval Spec V tank. There are:
3 Lime endler guppy males
2 Lime endler guppy females
Approximately 10 juvenile Lime endler guppies
9 Harlequin Rasbora
2 Otocinclus catfish

Before the Endlers there was a male red Betta splendens but he got dropsy and died a month ago. Once a fish has dropsy there is very little one can do, so I pampered him the best I could till the end.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Lime Green Endler Guppies and Java Moss officially out of stock

Well its official...

Lime Green Endler Guppies....

...and Java Moss are out of stock.

Just sent the last batch out today. Hopefully at the end of this month or beginning of next month the juveniles of the Lime Green Endler guppies will be sexable and available. As for the Java moss it may take some more time, maybe a month or two.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Our Tiger Endler Breeding Colony

Our Tiger Endler Breeding Colony

Right now it consists of:
4 Males
4 Females
4 Juveniles
2 Fry

Hopefully more will come in the future and may be available for sale or trade. Follow us up to see our progress.

"Gecacgaloni (Waterfall)"

AGA Aquascapeing 2014 60L-120L Entry
"Gecacgaloni (Waterfall)" 

By: Mustafa Erdogar
This is one of the best waterfall impressions I've ever seen. Winner of Second place in the 60L-120L category in the 2014 AGA Competition, this aquarium is exquisitely made.

 The moving water impression is great but upon closer impression the illusion of the bedrock of the river is spectacular. The waterfall effect plus the natural looking trees on the left and the nicely made cliff all make this aquarium an eye catcher.

Aquascape Details:
Tank Size: 70 x 50 x 30 cm (28 x 20 x 12 in)
Volume: 80L (21 gallons)
Background: White background with backlight.
Lighting: 4x18 w T8 tube
Filtration: External filter (700 lt/h)
Additional Information: Pressured CO2 used.
Title: Gecacgaloni (Waterfall)
Plant:s Taxiphyllum sp. flame, vesicularia ferriei, vesicularia montagnei, taxiphyllum barbieri, fontinalis antipyretica var. gigantea, fontinalis antipyrerica, fissidens fontanus, riccardia chamedryfolia, hygrophila pinnatifida, ammania sp. bonsai, hemianthus callitrichoides 'cuba', eleocharis sp. mini, micranthemum umbrossum, hottonia palustris, hydrocotyle sp. japan
Fish/Animals: Hyphessobrycon amandae, amano shrimp
Decorative Materials: river sand, river rocks, driftwood, small branches, mixture of filterwool, 100 coats varnish and acrylic paint for waterfall and water effect.


           Hello all and welcome to AquaCentral Library's blog!!!!!! This way we can show more efficiently what we are doing, what new fish species we are breeding, new tank setups, any plant or fish available or any incoming orders. I hope you enjoy our content as well as the beautiful tanks we will setup or exhibit from the AGA Aquascaping contest. Remember to watch our Facebook Page as well. So now lets get to the most recent thing we've done!!!

Update about Fluval Spec V tank:
Well I changed the layout... dramatically. It was an Iwagami style setup with the Seiryu rocks to 3x pieces of driftwood and more plants.

I put some Ludwigia repens, 2x Crypt. wendtii, 5x portions of java moss on the driftwood, 3x Java ferns, 1x Anubias nana but a very very tiny one and 4x stems of staurogyne repens.

Midway with everything removed.

Finished setup. Had some Endler guppies added the the tankmates now are: 
9x Harlequin Rasboras
5x Lime Green Endler guppies (3 males, 2 females)
10x fry of the Endlers
2x Otocinclus

More updates as we go, going to put some carpet plants at the left side and more Staurogyne repens on the right.