Wednesday, July 27, 2016

A friends planted aquarium

A friend of ours setup a 15gal aquarium a few months ago. Here's a short video of its progress.

The aquarium contains:                                                                 The aquarium plants are:
4 Zebrafish                                                                                     Anubias nana
6 Glass Catfish                                                                               Ludwigia repens
1 Betta splendens                                                                           Peacock moss
4 Harlequin Rasboras                                                                      Vallisneria
3 Khuli loaches                                                                               Subwassertang
3 Bumblebee catfish                                                                       Marimo Moss Ball
3 Nerite Snails

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Update on our guppy project

Here's a short clip of our mosaic Dumbo guppies

Here are some updates on our guppy project: 

The Black Snakeskins are doing very well. We have 7 juveniles with colored find and around 15 fry. The most surprising part is that they have been left with the parents and they do not eat them which is strange since fancy guppies are known to eat their offspring. Second, our Mosaic Dumbo guppies are coloring up nicely and displaying breeding behavior so we may have pairs available soon!! 
In the area of plants we are now offering portions of cup portions of Salvinia minima. These are great to absorb nutrients directly from the water column and a good place for fry to hide in.
 Salvinia minima cup portion, around 25+ plants.

                                                                                         Salvinia minima carpet, perfect for fry to hide in.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Aqueon QuietFlow Filters Review

This review is taking into account the personal experiences we have with this product. We are not being compensated for any positive or negative outlooks. 

- Great filtration media, very well designed
- It actually is quiet, no motor sound of any kind
- Reliable and dependable
- Brand History
- Multiple stage filtration

- Main problem is with power head housing once past the 2 yr mark
- Cannot control outflow speed like other filters

Aqueon makes great products and one of these is the QuietFlow. Unlike other brands it really does what it name says. Once turned on the filter is almost silent and you can enjoy your fish tank without the constant humming of the motor that normal filters do. A great plus is it has 4 stages of filtration in one quiet package!!! It has dense floss that removes particles and debris. The filter contains activated carbon to remove toxins, odors and discoloration. It has what they call a patented "Bio-Holster" which removes ammonia and nitrites. On top of that it has a difusor grid which removes more toxins and aerates the water with minimal splashing and sound. The filter really is a charm, they are so good we have around 8 of these filters in our own tanks. We use them in our rearing tanks, breeding tanks and display tanks. 

For the complete information on our review of the Aqueon QuietFlow check the reviews page.